The Match Reports Index
This page contains links to match reports going back to the dawn of recorded time, i.e. a long time before I had a digital camera. Most recent ones (mostly ADLG) come first, then FoGR, FoGAM and if you can remember that far back, it is almost all DBM prior to 2008 - all should incorporate army lists too. The good ones start around 2004..
Rome Down South
A brand newly minted 28mm Roman army takes it's huge collection of LBMS shield transfers into the land of the Pasty to see how the linear legions can fare in 4 video batreps all the way from Plymouth. Will the legions sail the seas of success, or will they be stuck like a bunch of Ho's down in the West Country?
Shake a stick at that!
The Mighty Swiss make their tabletop debut with flags a-waving as they endeavour to see if the game plays differently at 220 points (rather than 200) in these 5 reports from Warfare 2024's High medieval era competition. There are cowbells and fondue all over the shop as the 15mm Canton troopers form up and march forward in a big long line trying to be far too clever for their own good.
Take the Great Silk Road!
Thrill as at last a proper battle report hits the pages as the Ilkhanids and some Armenian allies take to the table in 28mm action in the heart of the West Country to dance around the stone circles at Avebury, and also try and perform admirably in an Asiatic-themed competition at the Attack! show .
The Pikemen have it!
The Renaissance hoves into view at Central London with three video battle reports of the Louis XIV French in tabletop action with frilly cuffs all over the shop!
OI! Geezer!
Some dodgy Saxons try and recreate the Battle of Benfleet at a one-day event in not so sunny Southend on Sea as Danny Dyer jumps into the carpet-selling frame for these 3 video battle reports
It's all Greek to Me!
Back in February of this year, when the weather was chilly and damp (unlike this balmy almost-May Springtime we're getting in the UK right now...?) I headed off to Athens to take in some local gastronomy, hit a few museums, drink some local beer and wine, attend a Greek Super League football match ... oh, and play a bit of ADLG at a "Crusades" themed event held by the Strategikon Club in Athens too!. In all cases the action was epic and brutal, and (of course...) the post-game criticism from Hannibal was even more so!
Bournemouth, Mouth of the ...Borne ?
Pretty much exactly the same troops as in the last event turn up in an army which is pretty much exactly the same as the last-but-one event. What could possibly go wrong as the Seleukids arrive on the South Coast to hit the beaches and eat the full english breakfasts of a traditional seaside town in early February. The figures are still almost all Victrix and every game still ends decisively in these 5 video reports of the army with all of the toys. For Selukia, and Vitality Health Care Provision!
Another day, another pasty!
Alexander The Great hits the tabletop in full plastic 28mm glory down in Devon as the Pasty Duopoly strikes again in a return to the West Country for the world's greatest ever General. The figures are almost all Victrix, the painting is oft overshadowed by that of my opponents, but every game as usual ends decisively in these 4 video reports from the south coasts other ADLG behemoth . See how a medium density weave battle plan survives contact with the enemy!
It's all turned to Gold!
Mithradates takes to the field in a competition for the unfancied armies that takes place in sunny (OK, maybe not in January) Spain in these 6 video reports. Last year I managed to take home a trophy, but will that occur again or will Mithradates' greatness turn to clay in my hands this time around in the Spanish seaside's lack of sunshine? . It's a mishmash of nonsense - and that's just the army list!
One Steppe Forward..
The Huns arrive finally on table to swirl around aimlessly on the South Coast in the final round of the 2023 Southern League. The theme is The Steppes, but will they find the wide open spaces they want, or will fermented cheese be their downfall yet again? . Its One Steppe Forward, or Two Steppes back!
Charlemagne himself takes control of the army of the Holy Roman Empire at Warfare 2023, in an event specifically themed to make Carolingian cavalrymen a pretty decent option to take. Lances are levelled, and forward momentum is guaranteed in these 5 full-contact, full speed battle reports now being hurled in your general direction.
Pack them in like Sardines!
Keeping with the tradition of prioritizing "getting new figures on table" over "is this any good?", a Feudal Anglo-Irish army goes on the culinary tour of the port of Lisbon in the return of the annual ADLG international Teams competition. It's a weird and unruly mashup of Father Jack meets Jeeves in control as the cobbled together collection hits the international tabletop - find out if they get salted like cod in these 5 truly Superbok battle reports!
Its a historical battle!
Yes, a one-battle report of a historical reenactment of the battle of Trebbia - imagine, not a competition but still here to see on this website!
We're over the Wall!
The Ottomans head North of the Border for some Medieval action in what is somewhat unbelievably the first ever Madaxeman trip to Bonnie Scotland. See how they do with some added crazy infantry to slow down the horsemen in these 5 battle reports from the Frozen North!
The French theme continues!
Asterix-inspired Gallic combat as a little-fancies army appears on table to try and rescue its reputation and credibility in the shape of the vanilla Gauls at Roll Call 2023. They are numerous, but do they have the magic ingredients to make them a potion-ent force in this competition?
William is here to conquer you now!
Another international trip as a Central London team chug over the channel to the WW2-infested regions of North West Europe for come French food, French wine, French tourism and of course some French rules-based gaming malarkey. Vive le France!
The Assyrians make a video reappearance in 28mm
as I shift periods at the last minute to balance up numbers at this end of the pier extravaganza. There are 5 reports of some of the chunkiest biblical dudes you'll have seen since, well, Roll Call 2022, all lasting about 15 minutes each so you can down a cup of coffee during each one and be totally wired by the end of it all as well!
It's Spain!
Yes, Alicante again, and a vaguely more sensible army this time as the Berbers take part in a War of the Strategists to see if they can successfully invade Spain for a second time in these 6 reports, complete with video analysis, AI-generated poetry, and a travelogue tacked on either end. It may take you longer to read them than the event took to play in !
The Celtiberians and the Gleaming Spires
No, not a new bizarre Harry Potter book, but a new year starting with a repeat attempt to make the Ancient Spanish army list work properly, this time leading with the Celtiberians. These 3 reports are all in video format and now only last about 15 minutes each so it's not wasting too much of your life to see them
Tibetans go hunting for Fish and Chips in Brixham 2022
Yes, after the poor showing of the Spanish in 2021 it seemed time to repat the effort with another underpowered army from the drawers of history, the Tibetans. These reports are all in video format so you can watch them squirm in real time on your screen in the story of The 2022 Brixham Classic
Warfare, The Biblical Edition 2022
After freezing our nads off at the Ascot racecourse last year, the 2022 edition of Warfare went to the desert with a Biblical event in the all-new Farnborough venue. That saw the Linear B tactics of the improved Mycenean army have a run out in five games all laced with dreadful poetry in what is punningly now known as Homer's The Silly-iad.
The Northern League 2022
Manchester gets a visit from the Black Army as the Medieval Hungarians take on three opponents in a rare visit to the Northern League one day circuit. These chilly videos are all hosted on the Madaxeman YouTube channel and contain photo-by-photo comentary on the three games and my laughable approach to tactics within them. Peel back your eyeballs and watch as Hungary tries to become a true Northern Powerhouse
BHGS Teams 2022
North East London once again echoes to the sounds of elephants as the Delhi Sultanate take to the field in another Team event Will they be triumphant, or just a bunch of Dumbo's? Find out here in these 5 fully trunked-up match reports
The Lusitania Challenge
Is it a team competition in Portugal, or is it an attempt to use some ridiculously wallpapered Shooting Towers in an honest to goodness international competition while eating tinned sardines in the basement of a cannon storage facility ? Your chance to decide in this knacker-munching set of 5 battle reports
Rustle me up some reports!
The Southern League rolls into one day action at the WAR club in Reading, and the Ukranian Rus take to the field to try and line up and advance in three consecutive games, but the real question is whether I can resist deploying the Rus Abbott joke again?
Roma Calling!
The World Championships returns to Rome and the Khurasanians return too in 6 battle reports from the land of pasta. It's a Prosecco Festival (at breakfast) and a dip in the pool to boot as the games try and fit in between the nightlife and food in these 6 reports Roll me a Calzone and take me to lunch!
Assyria will see you now
An hour of video and pictures of 5 games using the Assyrians in glorious 25mm at Roll Call in Milton Keynes See how the chariots roll in widescreen action !
Drive to the Rhine!
With ADLG taking vigorous root in Germany's Ancients competition scene, Two Daves and a Madaxeman take a Road (and rail) trip across France, Belgium and Germany to end up in a variety of castles, museums, cathedrals and of course schitzel-serving bierkellers in these 5 match reports book-ended by two epic travelogues (and an accompanying podcast!) in this multi-part wargaming holiday slideshow
An all singing and dancing army from the middle of nowhere comes to Burton on Trent to sample the local delights in 4 big format battle reports from the Burton Doubles. There are more troop types than you can shake a Zupin at - see how they do in these 4 all-colour all-desert reports
Order Order... Ordonnance!
A teeny-tiny Burgundian Ordonnance army takes the field on the south coast of England, in 5 battle reports from the Beachhead ADLG competition. Marvel at how such a small army can simultaneously manage to have almost half its units counting as Mediocre in combat in these video-only top-down vaguely strategic reports Count 'em up and knock back some red you French devils!
We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of ...abroad!
Central London brave the Covid-test landscape and undertake international air travel with a ludicrous Peoples Crusade army of over 8 million figures (OK, but almost..). Is God on Their Side? Find out in these reports with an accompanying Spotify Playlist Get out of your cave you miserable hermit and read on!
The much-trailled Hungarian army makes it to the tabletop (finally)
A much-delayed Warfare event held in sub-arctic Ascot is well attended by the paintes choice, Feudal Hungarians, as the army braves the weight of expectations that inevitably accompanies any new constellation of lead. Will the flat ground be kind to them, or will they fall at the first hurdle? Find out here in these Five Feudal Heavy metal (and camel) clashes!
Pirates? Seagulls? Pastys? Cream Teas? Of course, it's the first ever wargames event in Brixham!
The Sertorian Spanish and the BURNING CART OF DOOOOM!! take to the pages in 5 classically themed battles against all comers. Will they get the cream and jam in the right order, or will they have to walk the pkank of defeat? Avast ye hearties, and take a look here
A wall-o-spear on the South Coast
Thrill and swoon as podcast-inspired Saitic Egyptian army hits the beaches for 5 games against a raft of contemporary opponents. Will they line the beaches and fight them there, or take them on in the nightclubs and beer halls of the Pool Peninsula? Get a long stick and poke away here
Thracians in Roman York
Yeah it's Yorvik! The frozen North hosts the first ADLG tournament since the end of Lockdown in a post Covid world? How will the Thracians do in a period dominated by Cataphracts? Take a romphia-slice of battle report action here as a cure for your post-lockdown blues
On Youtube - Justinian Civil War
A speeded-up (so you can watch it without dying of boredom) Tabletop Simulator battle featuring two different Justinian armies from the recent Madaxeman Podcast on Justinian Byzantine army lists, shown on my Youtube channel
On Youtube - Camillan Roman vs Pyrrhic
A double-handed match report against Phil from the Phil on Ancients blog, which is both shown on my Youtube channel , and recorded with text and pictures on Phils Blog. Almost uniquely, there's also an "in the studio" debreif conversation featuring both players you can watch after the game too
On Youtube - Carolingians vs Vikings
A speeded-up (so you can watch it without dying of boredom) Tabletop Simulator battle featuring Carolingians vs Vikings, shown on my Youtube channel
On Youtube - Alexander vs the Persians
Another fast-time international Tabletop Simulator battle shown on my Youtube channel
Prepared to be Amished!
From the distant depths of pre-lockdown history these 3 "Doubles" match reports finally emerge into the light of day blinking as furiously as an Amish buggy's indicators with a flat battery. The mighty forces of Persia ride across the North American plain and engage in wanton warfare in the bowels of the Cold Wars 2020 auditorium. There are beers, maps, pizza slices and almnost certainly a foot-long hotdog in these American-tastic 3 widescreen 20 Floz match reports with a side of fries and a portion of salsa. Let's make Wargaming face-to-face Great again!
Order me a Double Pint of Bass!
The double-barrelled city of beer barrels is home to a game of ADLG Doubles as a recycled and refurbished seleucid army takes to the tabletop for 4 Classical era battles at the rather unusual points total of 325 at BADCON 2020. There are pints, there is pastry-covered meat product, there is a curry and some cockney rhyming slang as well in these 4 full-flavoured and decidedly hoppy battle reports. Raise a toast to the King of Beers!
A New Decade, a New Pasty?
In glorious 28mm the subtle and innovative Gepid army travels down the A30 all the way to the edge of Cornwall to assault the pasty-crust mountains of success at the 2020 PAW competition in Plymouth. Will the discover the meaty taste of success, or have they bitten off more stewed vegetables of indeterminate provenance than they are able to chew in these 4 full-scale West Country reports?. May the Pasty be With You!
Biblical France? How Lovely-jubbly!
Assyrians smallest army packs up and flies to the Provence region to take part in the French gaming and eating meta in these 5 Del-boy laden match reports. Is it a case of He Who Dares Wins, or will they be Triggered?. Bain marie my friends, bain marie!
BIG Abona!
The 28mm Vikings get their Britols out in a set of smutty match reports imbued with the spirit of Carry On Cleo. Will they end up laughing like Sid James, or will it be a case of Infamy, Infamy, the Romans all have in in for them?. Oooh-er missus!
Rome Alone!
The World Championships somehow managed to leapfrog from a shed in Birmingham into a 5-star hotel in glorious Rome this year, and of course that meant another overseas extravaganza for the Arab-flavoured armies in use this year. The Khurasanians were the lucky chaps to make it out into the hot, hot sunlight this time and took on 6 different enemies from the US, Mexico, France, Spain and somewhere else in these six fully illustrated, map-annotated, kawasaki-riding battle reports. Geordie General Al'Shearer is in the commentary chair so you can guarantee a Big Night Out when you're reading away (the lads)
Someday the Samurai will rise again - and today folks is that day, as the Japanese come out of hibernation and make the long trip to the NEC to play at the BHGS Challenge. They are well painted, but are they well led this time around as the take on a whole 5 different enemies in these FIVE fully different sushi-flavoured battle reports. It's hotter than a volcano, and twice as sulferous
Uncivil War!
The New Kingdom Egyptians get an outing (or two) at Campaign 2019 in a theme that is tighter than a chariot riders underpants! Do they get the results they properly deserve, or is it a desert of success in these SIX wheely wheely big battle reports. Mighty Mighty Hairy indeed
Manc Up!
Its the Lancastrians from the Wars of The Roses in a 25mm Perry Plastic special outing! See how the Northern Monkeys have a barrel of fun taking on some Medieval, Asiatic and Samurai opponents in these 5 massive big format match reports. Will we keep the Red Rose Flying High?
The roasting summer starts early as Central London take a team trip to Greece yet again to test the Assyrians in a battle of who can eat the most grilled meat in under 3 days. That means a newly painted army and 5 vaguely contemporary opponents as well as sme gratuitous food photography as well. Can the might Empire of Assyria fall like wolves on the fold, or will they be lambs to the slaughter in Greece? Always good to get the first deployment under your belt - but I may need a bigger one after this weekend.
Its Spain - its tasty!
Pamplona is the home of the running of the bulls, so an ideal place to try out an army which may in itself be a load of old bull - the Koryo Koreans and their War Wagon Wagon Train in six battle reports featuring trucking good stuff. The wheels are rolling - will they come off this ASEAN army or will they ride to victory in Spain?
Hairy Monsters!
The Galatian army engages in a bit of clothes-optional rambling on the South Coast of England in these five epic Classical Era match reports. Grab your clackers in both hands and prepare to have your eyes opened by their astounding success!
Is that a Ship or Are You Just Pleased to See Me?
Clogging Hell! The Earsly 80YW Dutch make a rebellious appearance in some FoGR reports from a one day 650 point event at Oxford. Will the rising tide of incompetence drown the guns, ships and men of the Dutch army? . Or will I remember how to play FoGR in the nick of time...
El Cid Rides Again !
Food, Tourism, Cultural Appropriation, Booze... and a bit of ADLG wargaming thrown in for good measure as the Umayyad Arabs go to try and re-re-re-reconquer Spain in these 5 match reports from Estella 2018. The rain will certainly fall somewhere, but is it on my dice? . Either way the photography is spectacular even if the gameplay lacks a little...
The Big Toys Renaissance ?
A 28mm FoGR competition - do such things still exist? It would appear so in these three FoGR reports from Oxford
Devizes 2018
The West Country plays host to a 28mm-fest of vandalism and chaos as the African Vandals storm across the Mediterranean to arrive in the land of Wadworth 6X. They play only 2 opponents, in 4 games. See how they make the maths add up, in 4 reports with some added videao and audio commentary on Game 1!
Limerick 2018
Irelands first ADLG competition takes place in unseasonably hot and dry weather, which we try to comensate for by drinking prodigiously before playing 5 games with a cobbled together Han Chinese army. The event is held in a rugby stadium, but do we get to scrum down or get waved offside ? Read these reports to find out!
Dogs of War 2018
A new format of top-down video reports show off the strategy - or lack of it - in 5 games from sunny Bristol. The army is Nikephorian, and did they nick a win or four? Watch on to find out !
The Worlds @ BHGS Challenge 2018
Having visited the hot-spots of Charleroi and Salamanca, The Worlds now comes to Birmingham in the beautiful West Midlands, in a big shed by a motorway. This outing sees a tweaked but not improved Alexandrian army take on all comers in 5 balti-tastic games of ADLG from The Worlds 2018 - The Curry Mile. Was there a board game played, or was it just boring? Read these reports to find out!
Milton Keynes Cowabunga!
A rare, nigh on unique second outing for the Aechemenid Persians at the 5 or 6 game fiesta which is Campaign 2018 in glorious Milton Keynes. A quick blast of last minute painting sees more horse on table and many games of ADLG from Campaign 2018. Was the food as good as Greece, or did The Don steal the day yet again?
Greece is The Word
The European ADLG Excursion hits a 5th (if you count Wales) overseas territory as the Ghaznavid army makes it's way over the Corinthian Channel into Patras for the first Greek wargaming Odessey in well over a decade. Its Elephant o'clock as the Afghani's take a teeny tiny army up against 5 different opponents and even more varieties of cooked lamb in these reports from Patras 2018 - The Homecoming.. Beware of Greeks bearing GIF's when you read these reports!
The Welsh on the Roman Road
Big Toys Time, as a Welsh (yes) army takes on all comers at Roll Call in five 200AP 28mm Feudal and Medieval themed battles. Will the Welshmen sail to victory, or will their plans sping a leek (see what I did there?) in these big fat and wet Welsh reports.. There will be a welcome waiting for you in the valleys if you read this report.
Samurai my prince will come
Four more big hitting 300AP Doubles reports from the home of British beer - will the Ashai Super Dry drinkers manage to cut it with their katanas as a brand new Samurai army painted by Lurko makes it to the table ? Will it be a case of Ninja-go? Or Ninja-stop in the cold of the Midlands. Throw yourself against the castle walls and find out in audio, video and online.
Romans in Wales
Four 300AP Doubles reports from the season-opener in Cardiff as a barely one-dimensional Patrician Roman army takes on a range of opponents from all parts and borders of their once-great Empire. See how the men in red skirts do - will they skirt with victory or flirt with defeat in the rain of South Wales?. Get yourself down the M4 of wargaming and find out.
Christmas Bonus Report
A one-off social game in which the Sassanids make another appearance and take on the Huns. Can the succesful winning run with almost-all-mounted forces continue? Or will Attila's men triumph in this Christmas Special battle report?. Find out as you munch a mince pie or two...
Britain in the Snow!
At Central London's traditional ADLG Winter bash, an attempt to use some obscure and little-deployed troops is grasped as a fully-Chariot Ancient British army aims to Brexit it's way out of historical mediocrity in every ruleset since WRG 5th Edition. There are 3 reports of the wheeled wonders - can Cassivellaunus make a success out of the ancient world's most unloved troop type?. Read on to find the answer...
The Midlands are Coming!
How big are these boys eh? The much-trailed 28mm Patrician Roman army gets it's first competitive run-out in these 5 match reports from Derby in Bruntingthorpe 2017. See how the Roman Empire dismisses as FAKE NEWS rumours of it's decline in the Patrician era and makes a MASSIVE, in fact, probably the biggest ever splash with the arrival on table of a host of 28mm figures. Stand away from the screen to see them in their full 28mm scale beauty!
We're off to Sunny, Sunny Salamanca!
The Worlds jumps into bed with the ETC, and the result is a veritable Spanish Smorgasbord of succesful wargaming exploits as Alexander The Great himself takes part in the biggest global ancients wargaming event of the year, in Salamanca! There are a full 6 battle reports to browse, all narrated by Alex himself, with a smattering of red wine on the page to boot. See for yourself if Alex tilted at windmills, or made contact with the silverware!
Rus-tle up a report or five ...
Its hot, hot hot in the West Country as the land-locked Rus take to the stage for the first time since the pre-2008 DBM Era and atempt to fill the table from sea to shining table edge in 5 battle reports from the mercifully Terci-ofree Dogs of War event in Bristol. See how the proto-Vikings do in a wall of stick-fest.
Take the Challenge - Choose Life, Choose Balti!
In a town that is just up the A34 from somewhere inextricably connected to the title of a Billy Bragg song from the mid 90's about stealing cars and dying your hair, the BHGS Challenge now takes place at the NEC. See how a newly-painted, never before used army fares in 5 games of 300 point ADLG action that is as hot as sizzling sausages and which contains a video podcast as well for no extra charge!
The Long March Back To Milton Keynes
Encroaching deep into the dark heart of Buckinghamshire, ADLG adds itself to the Campaign National League, in a 7-team, 7-round extravaganza. With a limited pool of lists surely my ability to pick a wrong'un must be limited? Let's find out as we head to the foothills of John Lewis in 6 separate Sicilian reports
The Future is Here !
A subtle revision of FoGR Renaissance is in the offing, and to help test the rules the Kings Capital in Oxford is beseiged by eager gamers all keen to raise the standard for King or for Parliament! What will happen in an event where in previous year's I've taken Parliamentarians and Scots? Why, it's One for All and all for The King!, as we shop at the Waitrose of life, not the Lidl of despair for 3 FoGR reports!
Jocks Away!
Central London's traditional Spring ADLG event sees a Medieval Scots army take the field. There are 3 reports of a wall of pikemen attempting to make walking forward with a stick look clever . Read on to see if you are amusedr...
Baaaa Humbug! We're All Off to Wales !
Another year, another L'Art de la Guerre outing as ADLG becomes the biggest game in town at the season Doubles curtain-raiser, Godendingdangdag in Sunny Wales. With the move to a purpose-built venue in Cardiff it shoudl be refreshed but a photostatted Roman and Judean combination lurched instead to the top of the pile. Find out for yourself just what the Romans Ever Did For Us, as we headed off to the Welsh hills to join the Peoples Front of Judea !
Down with the Turkey, its time for Chinese!
Shortly after the festive break a Chinese is surely the perfect antidote to too much turkey, stuffing and the inevitable but somehow unwanted cheese course? But do these FIVE battle reports from Warfare featuring a Spring and Autumn Chinese give you a bad case of indegestion or just leave you hungry for more?
A Dacian Dust-up!
More than 30 people line up for a curry and some dice as the CLWC ADLG Acronym-collision-fest takes place with 3 Roman-era games in just one day! The need to win or lose quickly is paramount, and so the Dacians make a rare outing in these three reports. Is it a car crash, or do the wheels just fall off on their own in these 3 L'Art de la Guerre reports of the Dacians in action.
The team Central London Pre-Brexit World Tour visits the ancient Kingdom of Navarre.
Northern Spain, the gateway to La Rioja, and also the wines of Navarre which are of course just as good if not a little better, especially if you are there, like we were. This time a Roman army attempts to act like a barbarian army and recreate the wall of fear which has caused so much trouble in previous events. The Patricians are far from Reigate Standard in all senses of the word, but can they tapas into a vein of success in 5 L'Art de la Guerre reports from Spain, or will they be left like smashed huevos on the floor by the pride of Navarre?
Almost Medieval, but with added ring road
Derby and the frantic effort not to retain a trophy that needs engraving comes to a cattle shed near an airport. The Kalmar Union are from Scandinavia, but are they pitted like olives in these 4 FoGR reports from Derby 2016 or will they have a smorgasbord of success?
Another Girl, Another Planet, Another Alien Attack!!
Skirmish-scale SF wargaming comes - eventually - to as we have a bit of a bash at Horizon Wars, the new Osprey set. Count all of your tentacles out and count them back in agan in an interestly animated report and review...
Post Industrial Decay and Fruit based drinks
The Worlds are in Belgium, and Central London goes over to learn a hards lesson. See the debacle in 6 Reports from Charleroi where the Condotta go back to school ...
What's that coming over the hill...?
It's a monster, 4 report report featuring Perry Plastic 28MM MEDIEVAL FIGURES !!!! Yes, from bring and buy to on the table and fighting in less than a year! See for yourself how 25/8mm is the perfect scale for ADLG, and how visually, emotionally and metaphorically it knocks every other game into a 60x60mm cocked hat in 4 Reports from Devizes in the sunny West Country...
Taking a bow and arrow to a Tank battle?
Aechemenid Persia invades post-Brexit France for gaming in Saumur in the Loire valley. Five more games of ADLG as the skies go clear blue in the Musee des Blindes as it's a case of tanks for the memories...
Is it Art, or is it War?
The Dark Ages return at the BHGS Challenge 2016, in a Spanish Extravaganza! Five Games of ADLG and some long-forgotten figures come blinking into the daylight in Feudal Spains Greatest Hour as El Sid takes the reigns and has a right Carry On!
Pirate Time! - It's been a while...
Splice the Mainbrace with FoGR Pirate Action as the Warriors step up to the plank and walk forward. Three games, one day, and 3 sets of repeated jokes, with ships, bombs, elephants, and lots of discussion of lawncare across Leighton Buzzard's most dramatic moment in history
L'Art de la Guerre - the first big event in England!
Vive Le France, as V3.- ADLG makes its way into Roll Call in serious numbers for the very first time. A Ponic army takes on every single imaginable flavour of Romans in 5 reports, with rules hints and explanations scattered throughout the Mithraditic shambles that these games represent
The ECW, in Scotland, In Oxford, In Miniature!
3 very abridged reports of the Scots Covenanters taking on the ungodly forces of Royalist Papery (or possibly Pot-Pourri?) in 3 reports, with photo closeups of troops better painted than I myself can manage. Can the King be decapitated? Or will the dour Scots turn from dour to sour?
3d Multimedia Real Ale!
4 reports, with video and audio commentary from the inaugural L'Art de la Guerre Burton Doubles Competition. Can the Romans manage to get out of Hoxton and past the Silicon roundabout? Or will it be a complete cluster---- in all three formats?
The Beast of Bristol !
4 matches of Malifaux, and this time enough picture, enough memory of the games, and almost enough knowledge of Malifaux to attempt to make sense of it all as Marcus gets out his beast stick and slaps his meat on the table in the south west.
Save the Wales! Bringing ADLG in from the cold to save Ancient wargaming!
4 in-depth reports, photos and battle maps plus many thousands of words as Condotta and French heavy metalists go toe to toe against a range of medieval opponents. Will it be a wonderful fusion of French & Italian cooking? ...or will it leave a bad taste in your mouth..?
London Calling the Spiders from Mars!
2 reports of Arcane magic, aetheric forces and poor quality playing as several Arcanist masters conspire to either win or lose games of Malifaux at Dark Sphere's one-day event. Are Eighth Legs Good? Find out in these thankfully brief reports
The Great British Bacon-off!
4 reports of Renaissance action from Warfare 2015, as yet another iteration of the surprisingly popular Danish army takes to the field and tries its best to climb up the greasey pole to success. Marvel about how good a Carlsberg-fuelled line of pikemen and reiters can be - did they keep it fizzing along? Or did the lager run out in Reading ?
ADLG in Central London - Hannibal in the drinking chair
3 match reports as 26 people gather to pick up their pikes and pints in a London pub and roll some anglo-French dice for ADLG. In there reports the Hannibalmesiter himself both commands and comments. Was he a genius? Or did his alter ego have the last laugh? Bonne chance to the new world of ancient gaming
Malifaux in Croydon - The Gothic Crystal Palace !
2 half-hearted sets of pictures and some technical words as the Spider man conjures himself into success and failure in equal measure. Did they count their legs, or count the cost of failure? Be confused at the arcane mechanics
Big Boys Toys yet again in Derby - Germany Uber 28mm !
4 properly annotated full-fat reports as the Catholic Germans roll out in 28mm action. Did they blitz the Kreig, or were they stuka-ed by their opponents? See how it goes in the full reports
Saga in Central London 2015 - the Arabs are here !
Just a few pictures as I try to get to grips with the Gripping Beast Arab infantry box set. Did my Cross and Crescent army have the bite of Saracen Malt Vinegar? Or did I end up having had my chips.. ?
Darkfaux 2015 - Underneath the (railway) Arches, with me and my mechanical nightmare undead golem
4 Games, 1 big hairy Malifaux Master, and the beginnings of understanding of what I am supposed to do in a Fixed Master Malifaux Comp. Is more training needed... ?
L'Art de la Guerre in a real competition!
The Germans are coming - 5 whole games with the Feudal flavour - will it go to penalties ? Or is it deckchairs at dawn for the new ruleset.. ?
Southern League - In The Kings Country
3 games using the most vanilla of armies - the Parliamentarians in the ECW - who was the Puritan ? And who ended up being defiled?
Dead Mans Hand!
Yet another gaming system tested out, as I play the game of cowboys - did I stay in the saddle ? Or get driven out of town?
Spring Skirmish - Essex Marshes on!
4 Games, 3 Masters, almost no points at Wayland Games in Essex playing full-on Malifaux - which Master scored ? And how did my digestion survive..?
Gerfaux - Its the Bristol to Hell and Back Railway!
After almost 5 games ever, Mei Feng and her rail crew take to the competitive table at Gerfaux in Bristol! It's all on the turn of a card - so who is the Joker this time? Step boldy through the breach with us and find out...
New Rules, Same Incompetence!.. - the Romans take to the field in ADLG
The Legions of Roman take part in what is probably the first ever UK event for ancients ruleset L'Art de la Guerre. The rules are translated from French, but did the Romans find it was all Greek to them ? Find out for yourself in a series of 3 reports with lots of rules-learning tips in there too.
Sizzling Action! - the return of the Danes
The obscure Danes of the Early Renaissance have another outing. It's Warfare in 2014 but also before 1570. See if they bring home the bacon.
Pirates in the era of the Sun King
A doubles competition in which I persuade some other idiot to join me in piloting the pirates! Will we be carrying away the trophy or will be be forced to walk the plank and be sent to Davy Jones Locker?
Galatians - useless in many rulesets..
Another trial run with Ancients ruleset Art de la Guerre, this time at a more standard 200 points. See if Medium Cavalry and Light Chariots and slow moving foot are any good.
The Worlds! In Germany !
Wargaming in the home of beer, in a landscape that resembles a giant train set. It's just about perfect - just don't mention the pork products!
It's New - yet still Ancient!
The new Ancients ruleset Art de la Guerre gets a run out in this half review, half battle report. Learn what Hannibal thinks ..
There be Monsters!
In a new excursion for this website, a game of 32mm Gothic Horror takes place as Mei Feng plays Malifaux! Will the union stand firm, or will they fail a Horror Duel and run away screaming into the night? See what takes place after dark ..
Spain sails to the New World of 28mm FoGR
Will this be a conquest which brings back much gold and enlarges the Empire? Or will the catholic nature of the Spanish army mean they are going to catch a cold and need to go home early to bed?
Vikings have come back!
The Saga continues in Episode II, Almost No Clue in a 3-game Saga event. Do you see someone cleaved in two with an axe? Or do the enemy take a chainsaw to the Viking's hopes?
The Dutch sail into town!
Clog based puns abounds as the trading empire of Holland sails into the heart of England. Is its a Campaign to remember? Or a tulip that bends too far in the wind?
It's a Clash! (almost "the" Clash) in Oxfordshire!
The English Civil War comes down from Scotland, as the Royalist Scots make a strike for independance in an 800AP one day event. Is it Hoots Mon Where's me Trophies? Or Hoots Mon, where's me Troosers!
Vive le French (in deepest wettest Wales...)!
Textbook stuff as the Italian Wars French try to prove that Average Horse are worth having in a 900AP doubles competition. Do they raise the Tricolour? Or will it no longer be a good night in Paris when the cockrel finally crows...?
Raise the flag for the Poles!
The little-fancied Polish army tries to prove it's point with three hardworking reports in an 800AP preset terrain singles competition. Will they get well and truly plastered? Or will the flag be lowered on the Poles for good...?
Tick tick tick...BOOM!
A musical treat as the long anticipated Abba/The Hives mashup comes to fruition as the Swedes attempt to reach heights of competence rarely seen in 4 reports from Warfare 2013. Are they going to prove to be Super Troopers? Or will it be a case of Hate to Say I Told You So yet again..?
Arrr! I be a splicin' yer mainbrace today Jim Laaaad!
It's back to FoG Arrrrhhh! The Pirates get a surprising extra outing in a "anything legal in 1695" 900AP doubles competition. Do They Sail Off Into The Sunset? Or will someone end up sinking their little boat...?
That Pope Is Far Away!
More three games in one day - and this time they are bigger.... Or are they just a little closer to the camera? The Papist Spanish are in 28mm action
Fancy a take-away ?
They have turbans! And Sticks! A one day competition for the Marahahahhah? Is it a success or a bit of a laugh?
Get That Zimmer Frame Out of My Longship!
Another one-day competition, this time marking the first ever Saga battle report on this website! Do the Vikings get the Horn? Or will they end up being driven round it...?
Sacre Bleu! Les Francs Attacque!
One day action with three games squeezes into a one liter pot - a classic in the form of Italian Wars French in the Southern League. Le sange est dans l'arbre... ? What a lot of monkeying around!
Makin' Bacon - The Sizzling Prequel !!
After a partial success at Warfare 2012, the Danes make another appearance in an earlier guise at Roll Call 2013. Will they do better this time or should they have stayed in the smokehouse a little longer? It's a long delayed set of reports..
Japanese People and Tanks !
It's PBI Und Panzer in Tuckton by the sea, with PBI returning in 3-game action. 3 match reports on one page for the WW2 nuts out there
The Indians need taking away!
They have turbans! And Sticks! A one day competition for the Marahahahhah? Is it a success or a bit of a laugh?
The Pirates walk the plank!
Avast! The Pirate army is a little more pirate-y in action in a shopping centre! Is its a Campaign to remember? Or should they have demanded a money-back guarantee?
Who's Hungary Now?
Another food-related army choice sees light of day as the Hungarians try to take a bite out of a new one-day competition, it's the rather tasty Southern League Round 1 With three proper belly-filling match reports to chew on
Wales in the Snow
It's a beautiful snowy weekend in South Wales, and Usk is here again, and a late C17 doubles competition is hoving into view. 4 match reports show how fashion affects hat shape over the course of 50 years
Makin' Bacon !!
The world-conquering Danish Army jumps out of the frying pan... but do they end up in the fire, or on the plate alongside a couple of sausages and a slice of fried bread? It's sort of two and a quarter match reports
Channel 9 !!!!
The News is good as the Spanish army attempt to spread Catholicicm across Europe like butter on a toasted tea cake Buono Estente Chrissy Waddle, Yes, the Thirty Years War is not over ! in a full set of 4 games on tiny tables
Hannibal is in the Chair
4 games of FoG Ancients from the ITC in Lisbon - and Hannibal actually takes command of the Carthaginians in open battle. The master is at work, so some of the worlds hardest men are drafted in to try and critique him
It's a Monster!!!
6 games, more than 10,000 words, over 250 pictures and in the end, is there going to be anything to show for it? Yes, it's time for Britcon in Smelly Manchester yet again ! See how the latest version of Frenchmen with Pikes and guns works
Be a-meze'd by the Turks!
It's Otto-mania as the Turks attempt to demostrate that the same 8 bases of musketeers in floppy hats cannot feature in every single army of the entire Renaissance period. Will they be a colourful success ? Or a technicolour yawn of an army?
Little left to tank me for
Some 1/300th goodness as the Polish Army attempts to finish at least 2nd in a one-off game at Central London Wargames Club. It's a very first outing with the tanks, and with the Cold War Commander Rules as well. Can you see what they are yet... ? That's 1/300th scale for you
Tanks for the memories
We jump forward into WW2 with a 3-game, 2-army competition for the Poor Bloody Infantry (and a handful of tanks as well) "Will the Germans or the American win given I get to use both?
500 Points - is that all ?
The Imperial Spanish get a run out in 28mm scale, but whilst they may be big, there are hardly any of then in the Farnboro 500 AP "4 games in one day" competition.
How big is that army !!???
They are Huguenot, and they are coming at high speed all the way to Usk FoGR Doubles Let's see if double the Generals means double the incompetence?
The Germans are Coming - and they are HUGE!!!!
It's Wallenstein in Slimbridge, and the big boys toys are out How do the 28mm figures measure up?
Time for my army to meet its Waterloo?
Warfare in Reading, on a cold November weekend? Surely thats Springtime in Sweden?
Double The Fun ?
The BHGS Doubles FoG Renaissance - Austria Uber Alles? as the Siege of Vienna gets lifted in Oxford
The Greatest Endurance Test of All Time
Yes, Renaissance at Britcon hoves into view - will it be more fun than pickled herring? Lets all go on a Renaissance Romp in Manchester
The West Of England is invaded by the French
The Renaissance of competitive gaming report writing continues with another enjoyable Renaissance outing
Godendag goes back to the Future
Well, only if you are in the Ancient period and the Renaissance is in your future as its FoG:R at Usk for the first time
Warfare comes round again
Will the fried breakfast be yet again the most impressive feature of the weekend or will the Romans finally learn how to paint the town red?
Wargaming in the Deep South yet again
Its Hattiesville and Hubcon But will the wheels come off, never mind the Hub caps... ?
FoG Renaissance at Oxford 2010
Its the Thirty Years War But can I manage to last even the first 2 days.. ?
BKC Day At Portbury - 2010
The tanks are rolling But how did the dice roll?
The Italian Team Championship - Faenza 2010
We are Team Imfamy. There are three of us. Infamy, Infamy, and They've all got it Infamy ! Camp it up here
The Desert of Beer - Burton Doubles 2010
You can take a camel to water - but will he down a pint of Bass in one ? Find out how Alan Shearer does here
Empties in the Dragnet - Usk Doubles 2010
Its a New Year - but is it a New Dawn for the Koryo Koreans ? See what Confuscious says here
Two Comps in One -PBI Games from the West Country 2009
Its WW2 - what does Hannibal think? Where are his Elefants ?
Warfare 2009 - Late Republican Roman
Caesar calls up some Gladiators But does he end up glad all over as a result ?
Roll Call 2009 - Medieval Free Company
John Hawkwood gives a big swish of his sword But is his chopper up to scratch?
Britcon 2009 - A Rainy August in Manchester
The Dominate Romans Swarm Back But is it to the top of the table - or to defeat?
Devizes 10mm Warmaster July 2009
I drop down a scale, and add in some random movement Fur's up for Warmaster Ancients .
Rome European Championships July 2009
Caesar moves up a division and joins the Dominate Swarm. 6 Games!! Outside!! It's pretty Swarm out there....
Madaxeman Invitational May 2009
Caesar vs Parthians and Illyrians. Its 2 games in a day. The Legions Attack.
Oxford 2009
Poles vs Lithuanians, Hungarians, Mamluks and Ottomans. Did we stay awake throughout...? Read about LH fun and games..
Burton 2009
Spartans vs Early Persians, Selukids, Graeco-Bactrians and Dominate Romans. We came, we drank, we did what next... lets Meet The Spartans !
Godendag 2009
Hamanid Bedouin Dynasties vs Nikephorians, More Bedouin, Lombards and Arab Conquest. Mr Bodley Scott takes our money and runs (the competition) but were we a runaway success as well ?
Warfare 2008
Late Republican Roman vs Parthian, Early Achaemenid Persian, Bosporan and Selucid. 4 Reports added for the boys in Red Warfare down by the River
Roll Call 2008
Patrician, sorry, Foederate Roman vs Parthian, Palmyran and Sassanid Persians. 4 Reports - who's repeated on who as Roll Call Returns
Britcon 2008
FoG singles again - could I improve on my "only won one game in 6" record from last year? ...See what happened here
Ascot BHGS Challenge 2008
FoG is up and running - will I stumble and fall ?
Godendag 2008 - The FoG Era Officially Opens - how shut was I this time though???
Carthage - an army that promised much but often delivers little - the true wargamers folly - Can we make it work under FoG ?
Dublin 2007 - The end of a DBM Career....??
The Coda for 10 years of Competitive Wargaming - Do I get to Break the Code?
Download my DBM deployment map (Word Document) here
Britcon 2007 - I play FoG !!
My first try at another new set of Ancients rules - Do I get Grilled in the Mist?
Devizes Warhamster Competition 2007
My first try at a new set of Ancients rules - De Bellis Something Completely Different
Swedish Scandinavian DBM Championships 2007
Coals to Newcastle? No - Vikings to Sweden
PBI In Bristol 2007
WW2 Action with the all singing Belgian army
Birmingham Alabama 2007
Do you want fries with that Supersize Tourney?? Sing Country Style Boy!
Burton 2007
A New year, a new Doubles partner, and a Crap Army. Sung Something Simple?
Warfare 2006
I take a Phokian great load of spearmen. How did the men with Sticks do??
Hollyoaks Doubles 2006
The Rus go a-wandering on the Welsh Borders. Would they be repelled ?
Seville 2006
The Carthaginians Invade Spain. Would they get Jamon-erd ?
Derby 2006
Crap Trophies - would I get one ?
Britcon 2006
The Lithuanians appear again. Would they be a week too early for some Manchester Pride
Roll Call 2006
The Lithuanians make an unscheduled return to the UK also - and fight a civil war!! Did the Lithuanians Win ??
PBI Competition Portbury 2006
In a new innovation, I report on games of PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry) using the latest ruleset from Peter Pig. See How my Germans do against the forces of non-fascism
World Individual Championships Athens (IWF's) 2006
The Lithuanians make an unscheduled return in their attempt to prove that light horse are not dead under 3.1. I was in the upper quartile at the start - how did I end up ?
BHGS Challenge 2006
The Egyptians make another outing in an attempt to put stripey hats as the must-wear fashion item for this season. I was unseeded in this 400 ap 2 list open DBM Competition) - was I unhorsed ?
Cannes 2006
Egyptians go to Cannes and do about average as we cruise down the Croisette (open format 1 list DBM competition, 3/2/1/0 scoring)
Milano 2005
Egyptians go to Milan, and do reasonably well against a wide range of opposition (open format 2 list DBM competition)
Warfare 2005
Warband Fast & Skirmisher army in 3.1 Shocker as the Carthaginians do OK under 400ap themed DBM 3.1
Pisa 2005
Its a pepperoni-tastic weekend, but not so great for my Scots Isles & Highlanders in a Book 4 period team outing under 3.1
Devizes 05
Pictures only! Sorry - a slack effort, but you can't win them all. We took Vikings at 500ap
BHGS Challenge 05
Roamin in the Gloooommmmmmmmm!!!! A dreadful Patrician army comes unstuck over 5 games of 400ap 2 list DBM
Cannes 05
Walking on the Beaches, looking at the Undefended BUA with baggage as my Khmer take elephants to Europe in a 2-player 400 ap competition, which also seems me using Skythians
Patras 05
Lets All Meet up in the Grecian Two Thousand (and five) The previously little known Communal Italians get an outing at 400ap under a 2 list, open format
Warfare 04
Time for a wall o spear Early Crusaders (boring version) in tightly themed action at 400ap against historical opponents
Pisa 04
Bongiorno Senora, Wanna Slica a My Pisa ? Our team does remarkably well and I take Mu Jung Hsien Pi in my book 2 period at 400 ap
Britcon 04
They think Its all over ! (no photos - forgot my camera!) Proving Carthginians are still a bit too brittle to use in a wide themed period (pre 494 AD) at 400ap
Roll Call 2004
Carthago Clearly isnt ! The Carthginians make a winning return in this unusual 350ap themed competition
BHGS Challenge 2004
Is Carthago Delenda Est ?) Can I make the army work at 400ap in a fairly open period ?
IWF 2004 Roma
The Italian Job - will I blow the bloody doors off ? The Lithuanians get a unexpected 2 list 400ap outing, and succeed pretty well over 6 games in Rome
Burton 2004
We only Khmeer for the Bheer (geddit, geddit ??) Elephants and mounted artillery do some damage at 500ap in a themed compatition
Usk ("Godendendendernaggernagnag") 2004
500p of Teutons - small but perfectly formed? Well, no really - even at 500ap this army doesn't quite cut it in open competition
Warfare 2003
Carthage Hoorah ? 400 ap of Carthaginians make a good start as my new uber-army
Milton Keynes Doubles
These chaps on plastic cows Uber Alles....?
Derby 2003
Grandson 03
Britcon 03
Oxford Doubles 2003
Roll Call 2003
Burton 2003
Milan 2002
Guy du Luys plays fast and Loose
Warfare 2002
Positively Sub Human - but was it sub-optimal?
Derby 2002
Teamwork dear boy, teamwork
Grandson 2002
Can I Survive The journey is alcoholic enough...
Britcon 2002
Back again. how weak could an old army be?
Roll Call 2002
Back again. But was it back in the driving seat, or in the tin..?
Bath 2002
England 1 Argentina 0. But how did we do..?
Clevedon 2002
Almost in Bristol - but did we go Tits Up ?
Epsom 2002
Or, Not The IWF's
Burton 2002
Beer, beer everywhere, and far too much to drink.....
Godendag (Usk) 2002
Viking Raiders in Wales - did we grab the prize, or surprise the sheep?
Nottingham Doubles 2002
"Well those Midland Dice are rolling, you can see their pips come home - do you know how lucky you are boys, to be Back in the BHGS ?
Warfare 2001
How do you fancy some Southern Rubbish?
Nations Challenge 2001
It's usually called Grandson - Did I play the Geek, or the Greeks?
Nationals 2001
It's now called Britcon - but were the Lithuanians conned...?-Boring Boring
Epsom Doubles 2001
Thrills, Spills, Excitement - but don't ask our opponents about it
iwf 2001
All the Five Matches - Sicilian Normans in a DBM A Cinemascope Epic
Oxford Doubles 2001
The streamlined light version
Burton 2001
In the Middle of the Assyrian Road - were we the roadkill, or were we the 18-wheeler?
Usk 2001
Version 3.0 Rolls on to Wales - See how successfully The Vikings Have Landed
Reigate 2000
Full of incident, excitement & controversy - See the roll of the dice here
Warfare 2000
The first run out under v3.0 - can I break with tradition and use a "sensible" army at Reading...?
World Team Championships 2000
Using Khmer, I lead the Central London team, along with Mick n' Dave. Could our clever team order serve us well....? Read on here...
Nations Cup 2000 - Switzerland
The final outing for the Lithuanians? This time abroad. Find out what I remember of it all here.
Nationals 2000
The boys from Vilnius ride again ! "tavo metodas atsiduoda sugebejimu" is their fearsome battle cry! Were they scared? Find out here....
Colchester Doubles
Getting into the Biblical Era for the first time in 3 years, we fielded a new army (well, the Chinese were pants!). With a bit of buying online from Essex, a lot of rapid painting (16 elements of spearmen and 6 chariots, plus a handful of Numidians) we set forth with the decidedly Un-Assyrian Early Carthaginians + Greeks. Read the report from the Essex marshes
Roll Call 2000
It's getting tedious, the Lithuanians ride (well, some of them walk as well I suppose) again? Was it a Roll call of Honour, or a catalogue of Shame? Read the report from the front line right here
Xth Legion Aquae Sulis
That old O-level Latin gets a run out - but did we decline the verbs correctly, or did we just decline.......? Clickus Hyperlink us
IWF's Epsom 2000
Another Lithuanian Frenzy - but was it to be Good Morning Tannenberg or Good Night Vilnius? Read the latest news right here right now
Oxford Doubles 2000
Using Patricians - sorry! - we went to the home of the Moreland brewery for a bit of a Wild Wild Western Patrician vs. Kn (X) frenzy......see what happened here
Usk 2000
Using Rus for the second year running (I know it's a bit tedious, but after you have spend 2 years painting the damn thing, it needs to be used at every opportunity!!) Me & Mick stormed the Welsh heartland on a wet January weekend.....see what happened here
World Team Championships 1999
Using Khmer, I formed part of the central London team, along with Mick n' Dave. Initially ranked as our third player, lovely Mr Hutchby had promoted me to First Place in our I would have to play all the decent players. Bugger.. see what happened here
Leeds Doubles 1999
We took along Arab Conquest - in the 650AD-1150 Ad period, really because it was more interesting than Abbasid, and we thought that our Rus army would be a sitting duck for Tibetans. The game plan involved attacking at night...although we hadn't actually though of that when we first considered the army selection - just when we realized the possibilities, it made our decision more definite! Here's the overall report
Nationals 1999 - Loughboro'
Well, having been persuaded (probably against my better judgment!) to transfer to the 25mm Ancients DBM Competition,, on arrival I found that I was back in the 15mm DBM 2 competition. Luckily I had suspected this would happen, and brought along the Lithianian army I had been planning to use all along. Read all about it in the first ever report on this page
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