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Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Last author Last version Version Categories
240 Western Wei To Early Tang Chinese 21431
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:56 GMT
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viking123 admin 8 8 Charging Lancer Armies
19 Rise of Rome 60651
Thu 17 of Dec, 2009 20:29 GMT
system admin 9 9
69 Post Latin Conquest Byzantine 28467
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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philqw78 admin 18 18
186 Urartian 23676
Thu 11 of Apr, 2013 08:01 BST
philqw78 druzhina 17 17
193 Libyan Egyptian 22432
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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philqw78 admin 29 29
195 Koryo Korean 29029
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:56 GMT
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philqw78 admin 37 37
196 Median 23889
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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philqw78 admin 16 16
239 Central Asian City States 18198
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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philqw78 admin 19 19
15 Principate Roman 43596
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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peter admin 42 42
197 Cimmerian or Early Skythian 25188
Tue 29 of Sep, 2009 16:29 BST
peter admin 15 15
264 Restoration English - Tangier Campaign 7698
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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pelion admin 6 6
205 Astur Leonese 18952
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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paulkit admin 19 19
227 Clastium 12807
Wed 05 of May, 2010 23:04 BST
nimblebooks batesmotel34 6 6
250 Philistine 29601
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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lionelc62 admin 10 10
258 Late Heian To Muromachi Japanese 28152
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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kingkobra admin 21 21 Alternatives
171 Norse Irish 27142
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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jonakers admin 23 23
224 Later Sicilian 22253
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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jonakers admin 14 14
213 Kofun Nara Japanese 21495
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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fgilson admin 18 18
274 Later Welsh 4674
Fri 07 of Feb, 2014 10:23 GMT
damienperrotin damienperrotin 12 12
162 Viking 42966
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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daisho admin 43 43
211 Post-Viking Scandinavian 17495
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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daisho admin 9 9
275 FOG-AM Version 3 1629
Tue 22 of Oct, 2019 21:59 BST
Christofalos Christofalos 1 1
1 HomePage
Madaxemans Ancients Armies Wiki Homepage
Thu 30 of Apr, 2020 21:33 BST
admin admin 137 137
2 Late Achaemenid Persian 32833
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 29 29
3 MiddleImperialRomans 7586
Tue 14 of Oct, 2008 18:28 BST
admin admin 1 1
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