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Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Last author Last version Version Categories
112 Late Dynastic Egyptian 26049
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 16 16
149 Later Scots Isles and Highlands 23940
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 22 22
156 Georgian 23284
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 12 12
158 Western Hunnic 29089
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 25 25
161 Hephthalite Hunnic 23808
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 13 13
162 Viking 42967
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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daisho admin 43 43
167 Middle Serbian 21941
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 9 9
168 Middle Bulgarian 21646
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 11 11
171 Norse Irish 27144
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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jonakers admin 23 23
176 Early Welsh 25305
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 11 11
183 Norman 34175
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 24 24
184 Later Scots-Irish 27014
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 17 17
185 Merovingian Frankish 28257
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 15 15
189 Middle Anglo Saxon 29478
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 18 18
191 Anglo Danish 30501
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 22 22
192 Carolingian Frankish 223707
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 13 13
193 Libyan Egyptian 22434
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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philqw78 admin 29 29
194 Rus 20323
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 19 19
198 Warring States To Western Han Chinese 37405
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 19 19
203 Jin 14079
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 16 16
204 Song Chinese 19285
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 16 16
205 Astur Leonese 18952
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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paulkit admin 19 19
210 Early Slavic 19348
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 10 10
211 Post-Viking Scandinavian 17496
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
daisho admin 9 9
212 Early Scots 17340
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 11 11
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