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Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Last author Last version Version Categories
3 MiddleImperialRomans 7586
Tue 14 of Oct, 2008 18:28 BST
admin admin 1 1
275 FOG-AM Version 3 1629
Tue 22 of Oct, 2019 21:59 BST
Christofalos Christofalos 1 1
227 Clastium 12807
Wed 05 of May, 2010 23:04 BST
nimblebooks batesmotel34 6 6
259 Hyksos 12835
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 6 6
35 Graeco-Indian 20076
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 6 6
26 Pontic 38363
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 34 34
20 Illyrian 28574
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 17 17
21 Ancient Spanish 32620
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 40 40
22 Later Macedonian 30271
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 26 26
24 Later Ptolemaic 32320
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 26 26
23 Later Seleucid 50921
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 51 51
25 Attalid Pergamene 29972
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 17 17
29 Graeco-Bactrian 33560
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 26 26
27 Alexandrian Macedonian 42120
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 25 25
28 Early Successor 31806
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 17 17
15 Principate Roman 43596
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
peter admin 42 42
32 Early Sarmatian 31842
Fri 01 of May, 2015 22:49 BST
admin admin 23 23
33 Bosporan 33855
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 24 24
34 Hellenistic Greek 29625
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 13 13
37 Mid Republican Roman 79253
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 44 44
39 Classical Greek 36968
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 35 35
18 Later Carthaginian 42219
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 32 32
17 Pyrrhic 37010
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 40 40
14 Late Republican Roman 47902
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 75 75
7 Legions Triumphant 64780
Sun 12 of Nov, 2017 14:53 GMT
admin admin 15 15
1 HomePage
Madaxemans Ancients Armies Wiki Homepage
Thu 30 of Apr, 2020 21:33 BST
admin admin 137 137
66 Sassanid Persian 43575
Sat 17 of Sep, 2016 12:11 BST
admin admin 36 36
69 Post Latin Conquest Byzantine 28467
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
philqw78 admin 18 18
10 Decline and Fall 62817
Sun 12 of Nov, 2017 15:04 GMT
admin admin 10 10
2 Late Achaemenid Persian 32833
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 29 29
16 Gallic
The Gallic Army
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 44 44
19 Rise of Rome 60650
Thu 17 of Dec, 2009 20:29 GMT
system admin 9 9
8 Swords and Scimitars 60024
Thu 17 of Dec, 2009 20:30 GMT
admin admin 8 8
144 Hamanid Match Reports 15113
Thu 29 of Jan, 2009 15:34 GMT
admin nikgaukroger 9 9
11 Wolves from The Sea 74880
Tue 12 of Jan, 2010 20:14 GMT
admin admin 11 11
6 Immortal Fire 66514
Thu 17 of Dec, 2009 20:29 GMT
admin admin 10 10
9 Eternal Empire 60013
Thu 17 of Dec, 2009 20:30 GMT
admin admin 10 10
274 Later Welsh 4674
Fri 07 of Feb, 2014 10:23 GMT
damienperrotin damienperrotin 12 12
40 Early Carthaginian 31099
Fri 27 of Nov, 2009 13:00 GMT
admin paulkit 15 15
186 Urartian 23676
Thu 11 of Apr, 2013 08:01 BST
philqw78 druzhina 17 17
38 Early Armenian 29545
Tue 29 of Dec, 2009 12:35 GMT
admin admin 18 18
36 Numidian or early Moorish 37061
Sun 02 of Jan, 2011 17:19 GMT
admin admin 25 25
41 Later Ottoman Turkish 38162
Wed 06 of Mar, 2013 23:07 GMT
admin admin 25 25
5 The Rise of Rome 39260
Sat 16 of May, 2009 20:45 BST
admin admin 32 32
31 Skythian or Saka 32986
Wed 30 of Dec, 2009 10:56 GMT
admin admin 24 24
30 Parthian 48088
Mon 05 of Jul, 2010 23:00 BST
admin admin 50 50 Hit and Run Armies
4 Storm of Arrows
Storm of Arrows Medieval Armies Pages
Thu 17 of Dec, 2009 20:29 GMT
admin admin 21 21
100 General Tips 24453
Wed 14 of Dec, 2011 17:30 GMT
admin seffer 17 17
67 Palmyran 32443
Sat 19 of Dec, 2009 03:41 GMT
admin walker75le 29 29
86 Catalan Company 41283
Sun 20 of Mar, 2011 18:48 GMT
admin admin 18 18
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