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Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Last author Last version Version Categories
71 Wars of the Roses English 38398
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 29 29
60 Medieval Welsh 24609
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 11 11
54 Western Turkish and Khazar 26512
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 27 27
51 Nikephorian Byzantine 49405
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 50 50
45 Spartacus Slave Revolt 41977
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 27 27
37 Mid Republican Roman 79255
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 44 44
26 Pontic 38365
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 34 34
17 Pyrrhic 37012
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 40 40
15 Principate Roman 43598
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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peter admin 42 42
69 Post Latin Conquest Byzantine 28469
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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philqw78 admin 18 18
273 Communal Italian 7423
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 17 17
256 Medieval German City Leagues 21826
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 3 3
243 Early Hungarian 19936
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 7 7
239 Central Asian City States 18199
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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philqw78 admin 19 19
231 Magyar 20286
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 17 17
225 Medieval Burgundian 37756
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 8 8
208 Andalusian 18662
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 7 7
206 Early Teutonic Knights 23201
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 10 10
202 Fanatic Berber 29525
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 13 13
196 Median 23891
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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philqw78 admin 16 16
180 Albanian 23699
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 10 10
177 Later Russian 26549
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 15 15
173 Ghaznavid 29106
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
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admin admin 6 6
170 Latin Greece 26336
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 18 18
166 Khwarazmian 29556
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 11 11
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