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Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Last author Last version Version Categories
274 Later Welsh 4675
Fri 07 of Feb, 2014 10:23 GMT
damienperrotin damienperrotin 12 12
258 Late Heian To Muromachi Japanese 28154
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
kingkobra admin 21 21 Alternatives
254 Later Horse Nomad 18625
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:03 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 15 15
253 Liao 15201
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 6 6
238 Later Hindu North Indian 20100
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:56 GMT
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admin admin 8 8
236 Later Mycenaean or Trojan 24714
Fri 29 of Jan, 2010 18:55 GMT
admin admin 6 6
224 Later Sicilian 22254
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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jonakers admin 14 14
218 Later Sumerian or Akkadian 21501
Mon 04 of Jan, 2010 17:37 GMT
admin admin 15 15 Offensive Spearwall Armies
209 Later Pictish 18723
Thu 14 of Jan, 2010 08:28 GMT
admin admin 12 12
201 Late Tang To Five Dynasties Chinese 22226
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:56 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 7 7
193 Libyan Egyptian 22436
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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philqw78 admin 29 29
184 Later Scots-Irish 27015
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
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admin admin 17 17
178 Later Bulgarian 23445
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 11 11
177 Later Russian 26553
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 15 15
170 Latin Greece 26339
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 18 18
150 Later Sarmatian 25860
Sun 10 of Mar, 2013 11:11 GMT
admin admin 14 14
149 Later Scots Isles and Highlands 23941
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 22 22
146 Later Moorish 18903
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 7 7
137 Later Visigothic 27703
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 7 7
135 Lombard 27009
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 22 22
130 Late Byzantine 34089
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 10 10
128 Light Horse Stable 26599
Thu 19 of Nov, 2009 18:27 GMT
admin admin 8 8
114 Later Serbian Empire 29057
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 12 12
112 Late Dynastic Egyptian 26050
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 18:58 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 16 16
85 Later Polish 28291
Tue 12 of Nov, 2019 19:00 GMT
Mass search and replace
admin admin 21 21
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