Spanish Civil War:
A fairly simple but quite fun multiplayer game using Peter Pigs "BAIT" rules.
Each player commanded a platoon with 3 Nationalists and 3 Republicans. The table was set up with several "objectives on it, which were either "unaligned" factions, supply points (a factory and 2 ports) or "politically important" buildings - the Radio Station and the Church (or Cathedral, but it was a pretty small model to be that really...)
Each of the 6-7 non-player (unaligned) factions started the game on table, but represented by just a flag bearer, and had a leaning either towards the Commies or the Fascists, depending on their historical leaning. The "leaning was between +(commie) or -(fascist) 3.
At the end of each game turn there was a "Political Phase" in which each player was dealt 3 playing cards, and then had to allocate to any of the (unaligned) flag-bearers to try and "influence" them to join their faction.
- Each card counted as "+1" in favour of your own faction, with red picture cards counting double when used by the Republicans, and black picture cards likewise counting as double when played by the Nationalists.
- Ownership of the Radio Station gave your side an additional +1 every turn influencing every unaligned faction
- Ownership of the Church game the Nationalists a similar +1 every turn
After allocation of cards to each flag bearer (no conferring amongst players!), the initial leaning, the allocated cards and other influences were added up to create an new "leaning" for each unaligned faction.
- ie Communist Militia start with +3 in favour of the Republicans. The Nationalist players play 1 normal card and 1 Black picture card on them, the Republicans play 4 normal cards. The Republicans also control the Radio station. The resulting leaning of the Communist Militia is +3 (initial), + 4 Republican cards), + 1 Republican (Radio Station), - 3 Fascist (1 normal + 1 black picture card counting double) = +5 Republican
Then each unaligned faction was diced for by the side they leaned in favour of, by rolling the number of dice equal to their leaning (ie 5 in the example above). If 2 "6's" were scored, they come on as another platoon for the side who rolled for them.
The number of bases was decided by rolling 2 x d6.
- 12 - an HMG, and roll again (only one HMG is possible)
- 11-10 - a LMG (2 possible) and roll again
- 9 - an armored truck (roll d6 for quality when it first fires) and roll again (1 possible)
- 2-8 - number of bases, plus a commander
They started in the players next turn from the square where the flag bearer was.
Ownership of the Factory or either of the 2 ports gave you a chance of getting tanks, guns and other toys.
Each turn the occupier rolled 1 x d6 - on a score of 5 or 6 they got something (roll again):
- 5,6 = a tank (we had 6 different tanks, so a dice roll decided which one!)
- 4 = a gun
- 3 = an armored truck (quality as above)
- 1,2 = a HMG
This could be deployed in any square adjacent to the factory.
That's it! Doubtless easy to improvise more, but maybe its a start for you. We enjoyed it no end!
Pictures of the game - all figures Peter Pig's SCW ranges, except for a few of the Assultos, who are LKM. Click any of the links to get the original higher resolution image.
Moroccans prepare to storm the village..
... after taking the Radio Station
The Assultos declare for the Fascists !
The CNT Militia join hands with the Carlists in a display of Solidarity !
Carlists back up their new Assulto friends - from a safe distance.
The POUM hole up in a bombed out building