Nationals 2001 - The Lithuanian Odyssey
10-0 vs Oliver Joucla. After taking a pasting from him in
Switzerland last year I was not exactly confident about this game - and
being out until 3am with Steve at a very poor nightclub hadn't exactly helped
However this was different. His Carolingians had a nightmare, I got all the matchups right, had far better pip and combat dice throughout, and even deployed enough RGo and Wd on his baseline that he had to deploy his baggage next to the river - easy prey for my LH who were charging it in turn 3!!!
My blades eliminated his Sp (I), my WWg shot his Kn F, his Irr Kn (F) lost control and attacked my ax in RGo, total demolition job. The Teutons & big LH/Cv command didn't even need to go in until the job was already almost done by the CinC
I was too pissed to remember to take any photos. Sorry.