's Gallic & The Gauls Specialist Bookshop.On this page you will find a wealth of books on Republican Rome and the early years of the Gauls military history, weaponry, armies, organization, famous battles including their wars with the Romans (The Gallic wars). Includes both armies from Mediterranean Gaul and heavily forested Northern Gaul, later conquered by the Romans and turned into the province of Provincia (later named Gallia Narbonensis). The Gauls nemesis was Julius Caesar, who conquered regions as far north as present-day Belgium and raided Britannia and Germania during the Gallic Wars (58 BC - 51 BC) including the decisive Battle of Alesia in 52 BC, in which the Romans defeated a confederation of Gallic tribes united under the leadership of Vercingetorix. From here you can also navigate to over 100 separate pages showcasing a huge range of books on a massive variety of Ancient Armies including many of Gauls opponents as well as those armies and kings under whom they found emplyment as mercenaries. The bookstore includes loads of titles, including rare and out of print books from many publishers including Osprey so you can easily and efficiently research your favourite Ancient Armies. The site has been organized along the same lines as the army list books for the Osprey FoG ruleset, so by clicking on any of the links on the left you will open up a full listing of armies from that period of history. If you know of any books that should be included, just Email me from here
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